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Fl-Ba Zhen Tang 八珍湯 ( Tangguei & Ginseng Eight Comb.200g )
Fl-Bai Hu Tang 白虎湯 (Gypsum Combination )
Fl-Ban Xia Hou Pu Tang 半夏厚樸湯 ( Pinellia & Magnolia Comb 200g )
Fl-Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang 半夏瀉心湯 ( Pinellia Combination 200g )
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Effection: Harmonizing the stomach and downbearing counterflow; dispersing nodules and eliminating stuffiness.
Indication: Premature use of purgation in cold damage pattern / syndrome - fullness in the chest without pain indicates stiffiness; vomiting induced by cold body; inappetence; gastrointestinal dysfunction; binding of cold and heat; borborigmus and diarrhea; yellow slimy fur.
Clinical Reference: This formula is often used in treating stiffness and congestion in the chest and stomach due to gastroenteritis; nausea and vomiting, inappetence, and borborigmus. For vomiting, combine with Magnolia & Ginger Formula (Ping Wei San) For phlegm-retained fluid, conbine with Citrus & Pinellia Combination (Er Chen Tang). For Stomatitis, combine with Sweet Combination ( Gan Lu Yin).
Fl-Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang 補陽還五湯 ( Ginseng& Astragalus Comb. 200g )
Fl-Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang 補中益氣湯 (Ginseng & Asragalus Combination 200g )
Fl-Cang Er San 蒼耳散 ( Xanthium Formula )
Fl-Chai Hu Jia Long Gu Mu Li Tang 柴胡加龍骨牡蠣湯 (Bupleurum& Dragon Bone Comb)
Fl-Chai Hu Shu Gan Tang 柴胡疏肝湯 ( Bulpeurum & Cyprerus Comb 200g )
Fl-Da Jian Zhong Tang 大建中湯 ( Major Zanthoxylum Combintion 200g )
Fl-Da Qing Long Tang 大青龍湯 ( Major Blue Dragon Combination 200g )
Fl-Dang Gui Si Ni Tang 當歸四逆湯 ( Tangkuei & Jujube Comb. 200g )
Fl-Dao Chi San 導赤散 ( Pehmannia Akebia Formula 200g )
Fl-Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang 獨活寄生湯 ( Tuhuo & Loranthus Comb 200g )
[ More Details / 详细信息 ]
EFFCTION:Tonifying and replenishing liver and kidney; eliminating impediment to relieve pain.
INDICATION: Prolonged impediment pain, liver-kidney depletion, insufficiency of qi and blood; inward attack of wind and dampness, pain in the lumbus and limbs, inhibited bending and stretching or numbness, myalgia, aversion to cold and liking for warm, palpitation and shortness of breath, painful swelling and cold sensation in the lumbus, abdomen and back during pregnancy.
CLINICAL REFERENCE: This formula is often used in treating chronic rheumatic arthritis, painful lumbus and legs, sciatica, bone spur in the lumbar, lumbar and back pain, inability to move caused by beriberi, numbness of the limbs.
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