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Eastern Healing Centre

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Up to $250 NZ$9.00
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Up to $350 NZ$12.00
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Welcome 敬告顧客:因最近缺货问题严重,再加上节假日,因此暂停营业到二月中旬,不便之处望谅!我最近前往台湾去希望能解决这些问题。

Our products are only sold to medical professionals, for safety reasons.

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Bing Lang 檳榔 ( Areca Seed )

Bo He 薄荷 ( Mint )

Bu Gu Zhi 補骨脂 ( Psoralea )

Cang Er Zi 蒼耳子 ( Xanthium Fruit )

Cang Zhu 蒼術 ( Atractylodes )

Ce Bai Ye 側柏葉 ( Biota )

Chai Hu 柴胡 ( Bupleurum )

Chan Tui 蟬蛻 (Cicada Slough )

Che Qian Zi 車前子 ( Plantago Seed

Chen Pi 陳皮 ( Citrus Peel )

Chi Shao 赤芍 (Peony ~ red )

Chuan Lian Zi 川楝子 ( Melia )

Chuan Wu ( Prepared ) 川烏 ( Aconite Wu Tou )

Chuan Xiong 川芎 ( Cnidium )

Da Fu Pi 大腹皮 ( Areca Husk )

Da Huang 大黃 ( Radix et Rhizoma Rhei )
$15.50 $17.30

Da Zao 大棗 (紅) ( Jujube ~red)

Dan Dou Chi 淡豆豉 ( Soja )

Dan Shen 丹參 ( Salvia Root )

Dan Zhu Ye 淡竹葉 ( Lophatherum )